Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Selling a Little Piece of My Soul

My desire to be connected to friends far away has finally prevailed over my moral opposition to facebook.  I have joined and will be hearing about it for awhile from, well all of my friends seeing as they are all on facebook.  I can't help feeling like I've sold out a bit though.  Its just that I don't understand the point.  I don't really want the whole world to know all about my favorite books, movies, and music.  There was a time when I was all about that kind of stuff, but for whatever reason its seems really invasive for me.  Maybe its a control thing.  More accurately it is a merit thing for me.  I feel like in a friendship you make an effort to find these things out about people, to really connect with them.  On facebook it just seems so artificial.  It creates this idea that we know and are connected to people when really its just a set of facts, not shared life.  These are my purist ponderings.  I realize that it is not that simple or that easy and clearly facebook has filled a place and purpose in our lives.  Please take this with a grain of salt.

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