Monday, June 9, 2008

A God That Loves Slackers Too

It occurred to me yesterday that God loves slackers too.  I discovered this because not surprising to anyone reading this I have a history of being a classic slacker.  Actually my history is similar to a roller coaster.  I start with high hopes and great intentions of being an over achiever and then realize it is just too much work and get over it.  This cycle has been somewhat limiting for me, but that is another post for another time.  Back to the original subject.  My church did this 40 days of faith series where everyone prays for one specific thing over the 40 days.  I started praying to go abroad and did well for awhile, but then other things came up to pray about that seemed to supersede praying for travel.  So I became a bit of a 40 days of faith dropout.  Yet I am still getting to leave the country not once but twice this summer!!!  I was talking to a friend about this and I said, "God is encouraging my slacking."  This pretty wise friend promptly corrected me and responded with something to the effect of, "Its not that He wants to encourage your slacking, but that He likes to do things for us despite what we do."  I love that reasoning.  I get to participate in the process, but it is not dependent on me.  That seems to be the common theme these days.  What God does is not dependent on what I do, but he asks me to be part of the process.  We get to have a say.  We get to be persistent and heard by God even though he can do whatever he wants.

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