Saturday, April 5, 2008

The Week to End All Weeks

My apartment misses me.  I sleep, I bath, I leave and then repeat.  This has been by far possibly the busiest week of 2008 to date and amazingly I can say God has fully sustained me.  I do not feel the exhaustion I rightfully should.  Woo hoo!  Though I can't say that God hasn't been putting me through the paces too.  I was talking to a friend the other night and I feel like she put it the best.  He's got me doing some things that there is just no road map for.  Which in a way is really great because it forces me to absolutely cling to him.  To constantly look towards him and ask, "Left, right, up, or down?"  Though its been new and foreign I can't say it hasn't been great.  Doing all of life with God just has no comparison to anything else I've ever experienced.  Its fun and adventurous.  The best part is I get to be fearless.  You never realize how fearful you really are until someone asks you to drop it at the door.

1 comment:

Jen said...

woo hoooooooooooooooo