Sunday, August 17, 2008

Do You Trust Me?

So I was praying for a friend tonight and her main concern was about really trusting God.  I feel like God is asking me just that question about my money right now.  He's asking, "Do you trust me?"  See he started working this thing about money in me right after Christmas and its been scary at times, but really good.  He took me through a process of letting go and being more generous.  It is ultimately what led me to sell my car and move to the apartment I did.  Its been great fun giving money away and being generous with people.  Now the likelihood of a huge financial commitment has come up recently and left me wondering, "Do I trust him?"  I haven't been purposely saving as aggressively as I had been before Christmas and yet I have more money than I ever have and I feel like that is proof alone that I am approaching my finances the way I need to be.  Yet I feel this voice in my head saying, "If you don't start saving aggressively for this thing you'll be sorry."  Will I?  Don't I have a God that cares enough about me to have intervened so many times to get me to this place?  Will he not take care of this?  Do I trust him?

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Don't Forget Its a Battle

That's what I did.  I forgot that I am in a battle in a war that's been won.  Satan doesn't want us to be awesome for God.  He'll do whatever it takes to keep us from it whether it be shame, guilt, lies that we can't do it, whatever.  I started to forget how God saw me, started to rely on my own goodness.  That never gets me far.  But alas I have a very faithful God that shows up with the truth every time.  What can I say? I serve an amazing God. 

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

God Friends

Sometimes I just need my friends to remind me the truth about the God I serve.


Feeling very frustrated.  Feeling like every time I take a step forward I take two steps backwards immediately.  Wanting to be better than I am.  Feeling like I'm losing focus.  Not knowing how to navigate my relationship with God right now.