Tuesday, May 20, 2008

To Go!!!!

To Sweden I go!  The plan right now is to go.  There is no flashing red light saying stay and I feel like I've been over thinking it as I usually tend to do with things.  So I am going as long as my friends say its ok to stay with them. :)  I can't wait!!!  I love leaving the country and traveling and just seeing and experiencing things that are unfamiliar and new.  So excited!!!!  This is going to be a great summer.  Travel...moving...no work...love it.  By the way can't get the smile off my face today....can't stop smiling....still smiling.... Maybe more substance next time but not today. :) :)

Friday, May 16, 2008

Sweden...to go or not to go....

Feeling very frustrated.  I'm really wanting to go to Sweden in July, but having a very hard time finding reasonable airfare.  I guess I'm struggling more with knowing if I have release to go.  I know it sounds funny, but I kind of feel like God has 'grounded' me for the last 5ish years or so.  It has been kind of a, "Hey, why don't you stay in the country for a bit and get to know me.  Work some stuff out."  Every time I have tried to leave the country it just has felt so wrong which has been kind of tough, but OK.  I have this deep longing to travel and see the world, to even live other places.  I am starting to ache for it.  So the question I come back to is do I hold out for cheap airfare or splurge and go ahead?  But really the bigger pondering is will it be with God?  See I had kind of thought the next time I go overseas and every time after would be with God.  Ok not necessarily for missionary work, but with a feeling that it was time to go.  Then I say to myself, "Am I putting something on God that is not actually him?"  Revolutionary thought.  I'll go some place quiet and ask him.   Why does it always take me so long to come to this glaringly obvious conclusion?  Short term memory.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Best Friends Possible

Yes I have them...seriously this has been one of my best birthdays ever.  There have been mystery flowers delivered to my school.  Of course all of my students immediately decided that I had a secret admirer.  Never mind the card read "from your favorite people."  One of my students is convinced that they were from my husband that she swears I'm going to meet by the river or lake or some other random body of water in I believe California.  Don't ask.  They are very creative kids.  When I find out who all of the mystery flower folks are I will thank you rightfully.  There was specially decorated birthday coffee.  A card with a surprise gift card waiting for me when I got home.  Then I got this amazing e-mail from one of my favorite babies in the whole world.  Ok his mom wrote the e-mail and probably made the sign, but isn't he doing a great job of holding it down?  Really if you could see this baby he is one of the cutest and I'm not just saying that because I think his parents are great.  I'm thinking he could win one of those cutest baby contests.  If you're reading this and wondering why I'm not gushing about your super cute genius baby its because I have no pictures of him in the awesome t-shirt I made him yet. ;)  (That was for you Melissa.  Seriously though take your time I know you've got a lot going on.)  Back to the point at hand my friends have just made this a great birthday and I still have more to go.  So thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you!!!!  
